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信息来源: 发布日期:2014-09-16

主题:Households Rejecting Loan Offers from Banks: If, When, and Why?

主讲人介绍:Yiyi Bai,荷兰Tilburg大学金融博士生,研究方向涉及银行学、银行产业组织、银行关系等多个领域。柏博士多次应邀在国际知名会议上报告起其研究成果。例如,欧洲银行业会议、国际资本市场与创新大会、以及Tilburg大学金融论坛等。

时间:2014年9月18日 星期五15:30-17:00




TOPIC: Households Rejecting Loan Offers from Banks: If, When, and Why?

Abstract: Using the U.S. home mortgage data between 2007 and 2012, this paper looks at applications approved by lender but not accepted by borrower. Evidence shows that less risky applicants with higher income to loan size ratio are more likely to reject approved loans from lenders. Concentrated lenders that focus on one or a few markets and therefore have higher acceptance rate and higher proportion of lending to jumbo mortgages are less likely to be rejected by applicants. This evidence are in line with previous studies showing that concentrated lenders gain information advantage by investing more in private information collection. This paper adds to the literature by showing that information advantage gained by concentrated lenders lowers the probability for them to be denied by applicants.

Speaker:Yiyi Bai, PhD student, Tilburg University. Ms. Bai’s research interests include banking, the industrial organization of banking, relationship banking, among others. Ms. Bai has been invited to present her papers at various conferences such as European Banking Center Fellow Workshop and nternational Symposium on Capital Markets and Financial Innovations.

Time: September 18, 2014, Thursday, 15:30-17:00,

Place: Room 604, Academic Hall

Organizer: The Chinese Academy of Finance and Development

