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CAFD 系列学术讲座 191期

信息来源: 发布日期:2017-09-17


TOPIC: Price Risk, Production Flexibility, and Liquidity Management: Evidence from Electricity Generating Firms

SPEAKER:Prof.Chen Lin

Biography: Dr.Chen Lin isthe Chair Professor of Finance and Associated Dean (Research) at School of Economics and Finance at The University of Hong Kong. Before joining HKU, he was the professor in finance and was awarded the Choh-Ming Li Professorship in Finance at Chinese University of Hong Kong.He obtained Ph.D. degree in Finance at Warrington College of Business Administration at University of Florida in U.S. His research interests include banking and financial institutions, corporate finance, financial contracting, financial regulation and development economics. His research work has been published on many top accounting and finance journals, includingJournal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Accounting Research, Management Science, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Review of Industrial Organization, among others.His papers also received various awards such as the Jensen Prize (First Prize) for the Best Papers Published in theJournal of Financial Economicsin the Areas of Corporate Finance and Organizations, The JFE All Star paper, the Chicago Quantitative Alliance Asian Academic Competition Research Paper Award, the Hong Kong Asian Capital Market Research Prize awarded by CFA Institute and HKSFA, and two Best Paper Awards at the 9th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets. He currently serves on the editorial boards of seven international journals includingJournal of Banking and Finance,Financial ManagementandJournal of Comparative Economics. He has been invited by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to nominate candidates for the Nobel Prize in economics. He is the Principal Investigator of several RGC Competitive Earmarked Research Grants and a Co-Principal Investigator of a RGC Theme-based Research Grant, the first large-scale, theme-based business research grant in Hong Kong.Chen’s works and views have been presented in major finance conferences such as AFA, EFA and WFA annual conference, and various conferences held by institutions such as Asian Development Bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Security Regulatory Commission, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Hoover Institute at Stanford University, International Monetary Fund, National Bureau of Economic Research and the World Bank and covered by BBC World TV, Bloomberg,Foreign Policy,Financial Times, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation,China Daily, CNNMoney,CFA Digest, Hong Kong Satellite TV, VoxEU,Wall Street Journal(Real Time Economics) and World Bank Doing Business Report. He has provided consulting services for the Asian Development Bank, the Bank of International Settlement, China Construction Bank (Asia), Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council, Qianhai Institute of Innovative Research, and the World Bank. He serves as a panel member of the Research Grant Council of Hong Kong and the RAE exercise conducted by University Grants Committee of Hong Kong. He is also a Currency Board Committee member of the Hong Kong Exchange Fund Advisory Committee and an Advisory Council member and a research fellow at HKIMR of Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

Time: 14:00-15:30, 19thSep, 2017(Tuesday)

Place: Academic Hall 706


题目:Price Risk, Production Flexibility, and Liquidity Management: Evidence from Electricity Generating Firms

报告人:Chen Lin教授

简介:Chen Lin博士现任香港大学经济和金融学院教授,研究副院长。之前,他曾是香港中文大学金融学教授并荣获Choh-Ming Li讲席教授。他毕业于美国弗罗里达大学Warrington商学院并获得金融学博士学位。他的研究领域主要集中在银行和金融机构,公司金融、金融合约、金融监管和发展经济学。他的研究成果发表在多个国际顶尖金融经济会计刊物,包括Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Accounting Research, Management Science, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Review of Industrial Organization等。他的文章曾荣获多个国际大奖,包括授予发表在Journal of Financial Economics的公司金融和组织最佳论文的Jensen奖(第一名)、JFE全明星文章、Chicago Quantitative Alliance亚洲学术论文奖、CFAInstitute和HKSFA授予的香港亚洲资本市场研究最佳论文奖以及International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets最佳论文奖。他现在兼任七个国际刊物的主编委员。他还曾获得瑞典皇家学会的邀请提名经济学领域的诺贝尔奖候选人。他的研究获得多个RGC Competitive Earmarked、RGC Theme-based研究基金的支持。ChenLin教授的文章和观点曾在多个顶级国际金融会议上报告,包括AFA,EFA和WFA年会,还有多个机构组织的会议,包括亚洲发展银行、中国银监会、中国证监会、香港金融管理局、斯坦福大学HooverInstitute、世界货币基金、美国NBER和世界银行。他的观点还被多个媒体转载,包括BBC World TV, Bloomberg、Foreign PolicyFinancial Times、Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation、China Daily、CNNMoney、CFA Digest、Hong Kong Satellite TV、VoxEU、Wall Street Journal(Real Time Economics)和World Bank Doing Business Report。他还曾为亚洲发展银行、国际清算银行、中国建设银行、香港金融服务发展委员会、青海创新研究中心和世界银行提供咨询服务。他兼任香港科研基金委员会和University Grants Committee of Hong Kong的RAE exercise的评审委员。他还是Hong Kong Exchange Fund Advisory Committee和HKIMR of Hong Kong Monetary Authority的董事会成员。

