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信息来源: 发布日期:2013-03-07

2013 年度“五星金融论坛”征稿启事
“五星金融论坛”始创于2008年。主要宗旨是为金融学者,尤其是年青学者提供一个相互交流和学习的平台。论坛遵循国际学术标准,鼓励金融学各领域的前沿研究。每届均邀请杰出的海外学者担任论坛主席和主题演讲嘉宾。往届论坛主席包括Professors Wei Xiong (Princeton), Jingzhi Huang (Penn State), Hong Liu (Washington University), Long Chen (CKGSB), and John Wei (HKUST)。往届论坛主题演讲嘉宾包括Professors Patrick Bolton (Columbia), Wei Xiong (Princeton), Philip Dybvig (Washington University), Michael Lemmon (University of Utah),and Haitao Li (University of Michigan)。论坛组委会负责论文的筛选和会议的组织工作。“五星金融论坛”采用形式新颖的研讨方式,鼓励前沿金融研究。同时邀请海内外金融研究领域的知名学者作为论文点评嘉宾,并预留充分时间供作者与听众互动交流。
本届论坛主席是来自香港科技大学的Kalok Chan教授,论坛主题演讲嘉宾是来自美国哥伦比亚大学的 Robert Hodrick教授。
请访问 获取更多关于五星论坛的详细信息。
通信地址:北京市海淀区学院南路39号,中央财经大学中国金融发展研究院,学术会堂8814室,第六届五星金融论坛组委会,邮政编码:100081。电话:010-62288392 / 传真:010-62288779 / 电子信箱 / 网址:

Call for Papers
The 2013 "Five Star Forum in Finance"
June 7, 2013 (Friday)
Beijing, China
Chairperson: Professor Kalok Chan (HKUST)
Keynote Speaker: Professor Robert Hodrick (Columbia)
The 2013 "Five Star Forum in Finance", a one-day finance workshop, will be hosted by the Chinese Academy of Finance and Development of the Central University of Finance and Economics and will be held at the Central University of Finance and Economics, on June 7, 2013 (Friday). This annual workshop was initiated in 2008 by Renmin University of China, Tsingua University, Peking University, Central University of Finance and Economics and CKGSB. The workshop aims to promote cutting-edge research in finance in China and academic exchanges among various worldwide institutions. Researchers in finance from universities and research institutions are welcomed to participate in this forum. Past chairpersons of the “Five Star Forum in Finance” include Professors Wei Xiong (Princeton), Jingzhi Huang (Penn State), Hong Liu (Washington University), Long Chen (CKGSB), and John Wei (HKUST). Past keynote speakers include Professors Patrick Bolton (Columbia), Wei Xiong (Princeton), Philip Dybvig (Washington University), Michael Lemmon (University of Utah), and Haitao Li (University of Michigan).

If you are interested in presenting at this year’s workshop, please submit your paper to
no later than April 20, 2013. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by May 5, 2013. Each presentation will be given 45 minutes, and there will be ample time for discussion. Paper submission and conference registration are free of charge.

Please share this announcement with colleagues who might be interested. We look forward to seeing you in Beijing this coming June. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the organizers by sending an email to FiveStar2013_CafdCufe@


Chinese Academy of Finance and Development

Central University of Finance and Economics
Room 814, Academic Hall
39 South College Road

Haidian District, Beijing, 100081, China
Tel: (8610) 6228-8392
Fax: (8610) 6228-8779