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信息来源: 发布日期:2013-05-27

2013 五星金融论坛 会议议程

Jointly Initiated by Renmin University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Central University of Finance and Economics, and Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business

2013 Five Star Forum in Finance
Conference Agenda

Date:     June 7, 2013, Friday
Venue:   Chinese Academy of Finance and Development, Central University of Finance and Economics, 39 South College Rd, Academic Hall, Room 202
              北京海淀区学院南路 39号,学术会堂 202会议室
Forum chair:        Professor Kalok Chan (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Keynote speaker:       Professor Robert Hodrick (Columbia University)
08:00-08:30         Sign in
08:30-08:45         Welcome remarks (CUFE leaders)
08:45-08:50         Photo taking (organizers, presenters & discussants)  
08:50-09:00         Opening remarks, Kalok Chan (HKUST), Forum chair
Erica Li* (CKGSB), Haitao Li (CKGSB), and Cindy Yu (CKGSB)
Discussant: Yong Li (Renmin University of China)
       Su Li (Renmin University of China)
Discussant : Yi Xue (University of International Business and Economics)
10:30-10:45         Tea break
       Thomas George (Houston), and Chuan-Yang Hwang* (NTU)
Discussant : Qi Shang (Renmin University of China)
       Pengjie Gao (Notre Dame), and Yaxuan Qi* (City University of HK and Concordia)
Discussant: Si Li (Wilfrid Laurier and Tsinghua)
12:15-13:45         Lunch
Keynote speech: Conditional asset pricing
Robert Hodrick (Columbia University)
Afternoon Sessions
Session A:    Room 702
Chair:           Chuan-Yang Hwang (Nanyang Technological University)
Ming Gu* (Renmin University of China), and Yangru Wu (Rutgers and CUFE)
Discussant: Jinliang Li (Tsinghua University)
Lorenzo Garlappi (UBC), and Zhongzhi Song* (CKGSB)
Discussant : Ping He (Tsinghua University)
15:30-15:45         Tea break
Session B:    Room 702
Chair:           Ke Tang (Renmin University of China)
Lei Jiang* (Tsinghua University), and Zhaoguo Zhan (Tsinghua University)
Discussant : Ke Tang (Renmin University of China)
       Jeremy Goh (SMU), Fuwei Jiang*(SMU), Jun Tu (SMU), and Guofu Zhou (Washington)
Discussant: Xiaoneng Zhu (CUFE)
Session C:    Room 706
Chair:           Jimmy Ran (CUFE)
       Gang Xiao (Renmin University of China)
       Discussant: Yaxuan Qi (City University of HK and Concordia)
Julia Chou (Florida International University), and Wenlian Gao* (CUFE)
Discussant: Huili Chang (University of Hong Kong)
15:30-15:45         Tea break
Session D:    Room 706
Chair:           Yangru Wu (CUFE)
Huili Chang* (HKU), and Frank Song (HKU and PKU)
Discussant: Shenghui Tong (CUFE)
Jun Lu* (CUFE) and Zhen Shi (Georgia State)
Discussant: Jinghong Shu (University of International Business and Economics)
17:30     Dinner party (by invitation)
Note: “*” denotes the presenter.