CFA Society Beijing
CFA Institute Research Challenge
Local Final - CFA Society Beijing
Date: 18 February, 2017
Venue: Central University Of Finance and Economics
Research Challenge–Beijing
The CFA Institute Research Challenge is an annual global competition that provides university students with hands-on mentoring and intensive training in financial analysis.
Nine teams from North China will participate in the CFA Institute Research Challenge and compete for the champion of Beijing local final, which will participate in the APAC Final in Bangkok, Thailand in April, 2017. Welcome to attend and watch their presentations !
Participant Teams:
(The team names are arranged in the alphabet order without priority)
Beijing-Dublin International Colleague at Beijing University of Technology
Central University of Finance &Economics
Dongbei University of Finance and Economics
International Business School,Beijing Foreign Studies University
Nankai University
Peking University
Renmin University of China
Tsinghua University
University of International Business&Economics
Man Lu, has been working as an Investment Director for China Investment Corporation since 2011, overseeing external manager portfolios. Prior to joining CIC, Mary has over 10 years of experience in pension investing, equity research and portfolio management in China and the US. Mary has an undergraduate degree from Peking University and a MFE degree from UC Berkeley.
Weiping Lin , CEO, Qutke Technology Co. Ltd
Weiping Lin, founder and CEO of Qutke Technology Co. Ltd. Mr. Lin have more than 10 years experience in asset management. Before joining Qutke Technology, he worked for National council for social security fund,responsible for global asset allocation and external manager selection.
Xiaochi Lin, Ph.D, chief analyst , CITICS
Xiaochi Lin, majoring in accounting, graduated from Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.Now he is the chief analyst of sector of financial analysis and valuation in Department of Research, CITICS, and he is also the guest advisor in School of Accounting,The Central University Of Finance and Economics.
Baokun Zhang, CFA, ShenHua Group Corporation Limited
Chong Tian, CFA,NCAM
Dong Lin, CFA, Capital Futures
Ming Zhao, CFA, Sardine Investments LLP
Qiwei Weng , CFA, Standard Chartered Bank(China)
Shirley Mao, CFA,Managing Director,PreAngel
Tianning Zhang , CFA, FTSE
Xiaobo Guo, CFA, Agricultural Bank of China
Yaowen Xu, CFA, Songcheng Touism Development Co., Ltd.
18 February, 2017
8:00 am. – 3:20 pm. (Registration: 8:00 – 8:30 am)
202 room, Academic Hall, Central University of Finance and
Economics, No.39,Xueyuan South Road,Haidian District,Beijing.
北京市海淀区学院南路 39 号 中央财经大学 学术会堂 202
8:00 – 8:30 am
8:30 – 8:35 am
MC Opening Remarks
Speech by
LJ Jia,Country Head , China
8:35 – 8:55 am
Jianping Shi, Vice Principle of CUFE
Qiming Ran, Vice Dean of CAFD of CUFE
Dawei Xie, President of CFA Society Beijing
9:00 am – 12:18 pm
Team Presentation
12:18 – 12:30 pm
Joint photo
12:30 – 1:50 pm
Lunch time(Business set meals)
1:50 – 2:00 pm
2:00 – 2:40 pm
2:40 – 3:00 pm
3:00 – 3:15 pm
Award ceremony
3:15 – 3:20 pm
Congratulation Speech
3:20 pm
MC Closing Remarks
Please call Sophia Li(李源)on +010 59047812
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