贾越珵, Ph.D.
中国金融发展研究院 |
联系方式: |
中央财经大学 |
电话:+86 -10-62288469 |
学院南路, 100081 |
邮箱: jiayuecheng@cufe.edu.cn |
中国,北京 |
更新日期:2024/9/27 |
贾越珵,副教授,美国俄克拉荷马州立大学金融学博士。主要研究领域包括资产定价,深度学习,大宗商品,算法设计与分析,和量化投资实践。学术论文发表于Journal of Banking and Finance (2篇), Journal of Empirical Finance,European Financial Management (2篇), Pacific-Basin Finance Journal等国际权威刊物。另有多篇论文在国际顶级和权威期刊送审后修订并重新提交。2018年以来深耕量化投资领域,在头部量化私募任核心投研与股票量化策略投资经理,管理多只私募产品。精通Python和C++编程在量化投资实践中的应用。
中央财经大学,长聘副教授, 硕士生导师 2020.08—至今
中央财经大学,副教授, 硕士生导师 2020.09—2023.07
中央财经大学,助理教授,硕士生导师 2016.09—2020.08
Oklahoma State University,金融学,博士 2011.08—2016.05
研究方向:资产定价,导师:Betty Simkins教授,Shu Yan教授
Case Western Reserve University,金融学,硕士 2012.01—2012.09
研究方向:资产定价,导师:Peter Ritchken教授
东北财经大学,法学院,法学,学士 2005.09—2009.07
1. Information Spillover and Cross Predictability of Currency Returns: An Analysis via Machine Learning(Yuecheng Jia, Yuzheng Liu, Yangru Wu, and Shu Yan)
² Journal of Banking and Finance, forthcoming
² Semi-finalist for the Best Paper Award , FMA 2024 Annual Meeting.
2. Nominal Price Illusion, Return Skewness, and Momentum (Yuecheng Jia, Zheng Xu, Shu Yan, and Runyu Zhang)
² Finance Research Letters, Volume 67, Part B, September 2024
3. A Seesaw Effect in Cryptocurrency Market: Understanding the Return Cross-Predictability of Cryptocurrencies (Yuecheng Jia, Yangru Wu, Shu Yan, and Yuzheng Liu)
² Journal of Empirical Finance, Volume 74, December 2023
4. Political Connections and Short Sellers(Yuecheng Jia, Betty Simkins, and Hongrui Feng),
² Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 146, January 2023
5. Government Customers, Institutional Investment Horizons, and Liquidity Risk(合作者:Brian Boscaljon, Hongrui Feng, and Qian Sun)
² Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Volume 56 (1), January 2021
6. State Ownership, Implicit Government Guarantee, and Crash Risk: Evidence from China (丁明发、何重达、贾越珵、沈蜜)
² Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Volume 65, February 2021
7. Higher Moments, Extreme Returns, and Cross-Section of Cryptocurrency Returns(Yuecheng Jia, Yuzheng Liu, and Shu Yan)
² Finance Research Letters, Volume 39, March 2021
8. Are CEOs Incentivized to Shelter Good Information? (合作者:丁明发、沈蜜、何重达)
² The Financial Review, Volume 56, Issue 1, February 2021
9. Second and Higher Moments of Fundamentals: A Literature Review(合作者:Ivilina Popova, B. Simkins, and Qin Emma Wang)
² European Financial Management, Volume 26, Issue 1, January 2020
10. The Positive Externality of CEO Delta(合作者:Hongrui Feng)
² European Financial Management, Volume 25, Issue 3, June 2019
² Semi-finalist for the Best Paper Award, FMA 2018 Annual Meeting.
² 投资学与实证资产定价, 2016-至今、秋季学期
² 科技金融与计算金融, 2018-至今、春季学期
² Python(熟练运用), C++(熟练运用)
² Linux, MySQL
² SAS, Excel