Tel: 010-6228 8392
Email: yangzhao@cufe.edu.cn
Office: Academic Hall, Room 809 (学术会堂809)
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/yangzhaoshomepage/
赵阳,现任中央财经大学中国金融发展研究院副院长,长聘副教授,硕士生导师。英国格拉斯哥大学亚当斯密商学院数理金融学博士,主要研究领域包括:风险管理、量化投资、金融科技与可持续金融等。已在国内外知名学术期刊如Journal of Corporate Finance,Journal of Banking and Finance,Journal of Empirical Finance,International Journal of Forecasting,British Journal of Management,Journal of Futures Markets,Energy Economics和《财贸经济》等发表论文40余篇,部分论文获得《人大复印资料》和《中国社会科学文摘》转载,2篇论文被列为ESI高被引论文,出版学术专著1本。担任国际知名学术期刊Journal of Forecasting副主编,Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies副主编,Journal of Digital Economy副主编(数字金融)以及Economic Modelling客座主编。近年来先后主持1项国家自然科学基金项目(结项获评“优”)和2项横向课题,参与2项国家社科基金重大项目,3项国家自然科学基金面上项目以及多项部委课题,2项报告获国务院办公厅采纳。主讲过的课程包括大数据分析与金融实证,经济学原理,金融学原理,金融衍生工具以及金融计量经济学等。曾多次受邀参加商务部主办的海外培训班援外教学,为发展中国家政府官员主讲金融科技、大数据分析等课程。
[1] Cerrato, Mario, John Crosby, Minjoo Kim*, and Yang Zhao (2017). Relation between higher order comoments and dependence structure of equity portfolio. Journal of Empirical Finance, 40, 101-120.
[2] Cerrato, Mario, John Crosby, Minjoo Kim, and Yang Zhao* (2017). The joint credit risk of UK global‐systemically important banks. Journal of Futures Markets, 37(10), 964-988.
[3] Zhao, Yang, Charalampos Stasinakis*, Georgios Sermpinis, and Yukun Shi (2018). Neural network copula portfolio optimization for exchange traded funds. Quantitative Finance, 18(5), 761-775.
[4] Kutan, Ali M., Yukun Shi, Mingzhe Wei, and Yang Zhao* (2018). Does the introduction of index futures stabilize stock markets? Further evidence from emerging markets. International Review of Economics & Finance, 57, 183-197.
[5] Zhao, Yang, Charalampos Stasinakis*, Georgios Sermpinis, and Filipa Da Silva Fernandes (2019). Revisiting Fama-French factors’ predictability with Bayesian modelling and copula-based portfolio optimization. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 24(4), 1443-1463.
[6] Shi, Yukun, Hao Zhang*, Yaofei Xu, and Yang Zhao (2019). The term structure of option-implied volatility and future realized volatility. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 55(13), 2997-3022.
[7] Xu, Liao*, Han Gao, Yukun Shi, and Yang Zhao (2020). The heterogeneous volume-volatility relations in the exchange-traded fund markets: Evidence from China. Economic Modelling, 85, 400-408.
[8] Xu, Liao, Lu Xu, Jing Zhao, and Yang Zhao* (2020). Information-based trading and information propagation: Evidence from the exchange traded fund market. International Review of Financial Analysis, 70, 101495.
[9] Chen, Jilong, Liao Xu*, and Yang Zhao (2020). Do ETF flows increase market efficiency? Evidence from China. Accounting & Finance, 60(5), 4795-4819.
[10] Roh, Tai-Yong, Alireza Tourani-Rad, Yahua Xu*, and Yang Zhao (2021). Volatility-of-volatility risk in the crude oil market. Journal of Futures Markets, 41(2), 245-265.
[11] Kim, Minjoo, Junhong Yang, Pengcheng Song, and Yang Zhao* (2021). The dependence structure between equity and foreign exchange rates and tail risk forecasts of foreign investments, Quantitative Finance, 21(5), 815-835.
[12] Zhang, Xuan, Ding Liu, Yang Zhao, and Zhekai Zhang* (2021). Financial derivatives and default dependence: a time-varying copula approach. Applied Economics Letters, 28(1), 958-963.
[13] Fang, Yi, Zhongbo Jing, Yukun Shi, and Yang Zhao* (2021). Financial spillovers and spillbacks: New evidence from China and G7 countries. Economic Modelling, 94, 184-200.
[14] Yao, Xiao*, Xuan Zhang, and Yang Zhao (2022). Forecasting corporate default risk in China. International Journal of Forecasting, 38, 1054-1070.
[15] Li, Hao, Xuan Zhang*, and Yang Zhao (2022). ESG and firm's default risk, Finance Research Letters, 47, 102713.
[16] Pang, Yang, Yukun Shi*, Shimeng Shi, and Yang Zhao (2022). A nonlinear dynamic approach to cash flow forecasting, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 59, 205-237.
[17] Long, Zhenzhen and Yang Zhao* (2022). The risk spillover effect of COVID-19 breaking news on the stock market, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 58, 4321-4337.
[18] Ouyang, Ruolan, Xiang Chen, Yi Fang, and Yang Zhao* (2022). Systemic risk of commodity markets: A dynamic factor copula approach, International Review of Financial Analysis, 82, 102204.
[19] Li, Danyang, Yukun Shi, Liao Xu, Yahua Xu, and Yang Zhao* (2022). Dynamic asymmetric dependence and portfolio management in cryptocurrency markets, Finance Research Letters, 48, 102829.
[20] Zhang, Xuan, Yongmin Zhang, Eric Scheffel, and Yang Zhao* (2022). A key driver for the mixed relationship between loan risk premiums and collateral: Evidence from China, International Review of Financial Analysis, 83, 102206.
[21] He, Zhongda, Biao Guo*, Yukun Shi, and Yang Zhao (2022). Natural disasters and CSR: Evidence from China, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 73, 101777. (Best Paper Award of the 2021 GCAA Conference)
[22] Wen, Zhuzhu, Elie Bouri, Yahua Xu*, and Yang Zhao (2022). Intraday return predictability in the cryptocurrency markets: Momentum, reversal, or both, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 62, 101733.
[23] Li, Donghui, Lu Xing*, and Yang Zhao (2022). Does extended auditor disclosure deter managerial bad news hoarding? Evidence from crash risk, Journal of Corporate Finance, 76, 102256.
[24] He, Zhongda, Suardi Sandy, Kai Wang*, and Yang Zhao (2022). Firms’ COVID-19 pandemic exposure and corporate cash policy: Evidence from China, Economic Modelling, 116, 105999.
[25] Fang, Yi, Zhiquan Shao, and Yang Zhao* (2023). Risk spillovers in global financial markets: Evidence from the COVID-19 crisis, International Review of Economics & Finance, 83, 821-840.
[26] Jing, Zhongbo, Shiyu Lu, Yang Zhao, and Jun Zhou* (2023). Economic policy uncertainty, corporate investment decisions and stock price crash risk: Evidence from China, Accounting & Finance, 63, 1477-1502.
[27] Xu, Liao, Mingqi Xue, Xuan Zhang*, and Yang Zhao (2023). Heterogeneously informed trading and the stock market efficiency during the COVID-19 pandemic, International Review of Financial Analysis, 87, 102608.
[28] Xiaohang Ren, Gudian Zeng, and Yang Zhao* (2023). Digital finance and corporate ESG performance: Empirical evidence from listed companies in China, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 79, 102019.
[29] Fang, Yi, Qi Wang*, Fan Wang, and Yang Zhao (2023). Bank fintech, liquidity creation, and risk-taking: Evidence from China. Economic Modelling, 127, 106445.
[30] Fang, Yi, Yanru Wang, Qi Wang*, and Yang Zhao (2023). Policy Uncertainty and Bank systemic risk: A perspective of risk decomposition. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 88, 101827.
[31] Han, Liyan, Chen Xie, Jiayu Jin, and Yang Zhao (2023). Effect of low-carbon innovation on carbon risk: International firm-level investigation. International Review of Financial Analysis, 90, 102912.
[32] Fernandes, Filipa Da Silva, Georgios Sermpinis, Charalampos Stasinakis, and Yang Zhao (2024). Corporate social responsibility and firm survival: Evidence from Chinese listed firms. British Journal of Management, 35, 1014-1039.
[33] Yu, Minggui, and Yang Zhao (2024). Editorial of the special issue on FinTech and digital finance: Fostering the synergy of finance and technology, Economic Modelling, 135, 106721.
[34] Zhang, Xuan, Minjoo Kim, Cheng Yan, and Yang Zhao (2024). Default dependence in the insurance and banking sectors: A copula approach. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 91, 101911.
[35] Sun, Lan, Shaobo Liu, Ruolan Ouyang, and Yang Zhao (2024). Innovation at the helm: Decoding founder-manager influence in Chinese family firms. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 85, 102364.
[36] Jing, Zhongbo, Qin Li, Hongyi Zhao, and Yang Zhao (2024). Predicting stock price crash risk in China: A modified graph WaveNet model. Finance Research Letters, 64, 105468.
[37] Tian, Lichuan, Kai Sun, Jie Yang, and Yang Zhao (2024). Does digital economy affect corporate ESG performance? New insights from China. International Review of Economics & Finance, 93, 964-980.
[38] Shen, Hongshan, Mengyao Qian, Tianyi Li, Xuan Zhang, and Yang Zhao (2024). Digital finance and industrial structure upgrading: Evidence from Chinese counties, International Review of Financial Analysis, 2024, 95, 103442.
[39] Ouyang Ruolan, Tiancheng Pei, Yi Fang, and Yang Zhao (2024). Commodity systemic risk and macroeconomic predictions, Energy Economics, 2024, 138, 107807.
[40] Chen, Yulong, Yating Li, Wenrui Zeng, and Yang Zhao (2024). Personal income tax reform and household savings rates: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China, International Review of Financial Analysis, 2024, 96, 103726.
[41] Qiao, Tongshuai, Yang Zhao, Liyan Han, and Donghui Li (2024). Multivariate crash risk in China, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2024, forthcoming.
[1] Paramati, Sudharshan Reddy, Yukun Shi, and Yang Zhao (2019). Environmental challenges and sustainable economic development in the People’s Republic of China: The role of renewable energy across provinces, ADBI Working Paper 1050. Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute.
[1] 方意, 贾妍妍*, 赵阳, “重大冲击下全球外汇市场风险的生成机理研究”, 《财贸经济》, 2021年, 第(42)卷, 第5期, 76-92页. (《中国社会科学文摘》2021年第10期全文转载;人大复印报刊资料《金融与保险》2021年第8期全文转载)
[2] 赵阳,曾文锐,荆中博*,“ESG表现能否提升企业估值?——来自权益资本成本的经验证据”,《金融市场研究》,第(5)卷, 第3期, 1-14页.
[1] 翟玮, 赵阳, 《商业银行与金融科技:政策、风险与挑战》, 中国金融出版社, 2023.
[2] 赵阳,张旋,余小宁,系统性金融风险与股票市场预测:来自中国的证据,《债务违约风险管理问题研究》,中国金融出版社,2019.
[3] 杨晟,赵阳,姚潇,基于深度强化学习算法的股指期货交易系统与实证,《量化实证分析在金融风险管理中的应用》,中国金融出版社,2021.
[1] 2019年-2021年,国家自然科学基金青年项目《基于GAS模型的系统性金融风险测度及其在宏观经济预测中的应用研究》(项目编号:71801117),主持(结项为“优”)
[2] 2020年-2023年,国家自然科学基金面上项目,《金融周期视角下中国银行业系统性风险防范与化解》,(项目编号:71973162),参与,已结题
[3] 2020年-2025年,国家社会科学基金重大项目,《负利率时代金融系统风险的识别与防范研究》,(项目编号:20&ZD101),参与
[4] 2022年-2025年,国家自然科学基金面上项目,《金融文本大数据与银行业系统性风险:指标构建、应用与评估整合》,(项目编号:72173144),参与
[5] 2023年-2026年,国家自然科学基金面上项目,《基于复杂网络与深度学习的产业链信贷风险传染及监管研究》,(项目编号:72271253),参与
[6] 2024年1月至2028年12月,国家社科基金重大项目,《中国金融安全统计监测、预警与对策研究》,(项目号:23&ZD058),参与
[7] 2019年-2022年,中央财经大学青年科研创新团队项目,《中国金融部门系统性风险与金融稳定政策》,(项目编号:校20190092),项目参与人,已结题
[8] 2022年-2023年,长三角金融业发展联盟运营项目,(项目编号:JSSW2021-S-G-034),项目参与人,已结题
[9] 2020年-2021年,2020年上证联合研究计划国际系列专项课题,《境外资金对A股市场影响分析》,项目参与人,已结题
[10] 2017年-2018年,HEFCE Newton Fund Official Development Assistance Allocation, (Project Number: RI350011),项目参与人,已结题
[1] 中央财经大学“十四五”校级一流本科课程,《经济学原理》
副主编,Journal of Forecasting,Wiley出版社,2022.1-至今
副主编,Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies,Taylor & Francis出版社,2024.9-至今
副主编(数字金融),Journal of Digital Economy,Elsevier出版社,2024.11-至今
客座主编,Economic Modelling,Elsevier出版社,2022.6-2024.3
匿名审稿:Journal of Banking and Finance, Energy Economics, International Review of Financial Analysis, Quantitative Finance, Annals of Operational Research, International Journal of Finance & Economics, Economic Modelling, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Accounting and Finance, Journal of Forecasting, Finance Research Letters, Applied Economics, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Journal of Commodity Markets等期刊
[1] 1st Young Finance Scholars Conference, poster session, Best Paper Price.
[2] 2022第三届环球华人会计年会(The 3rd GCAA Conference),最佳论文奖(二等奖)
[3] 2022“双碳战略、转型金融和制造业高质量发展”国际会议, 优秀论文奖
[4] 2021年中央财经大学第二十届“挑战杯”学生课外学术论文竞赛特等奖、一等奖指导老师
[5] 2020-2022学年中央财经大学本科优秀班主任
[6] 2022年中央财经大学年度考核优秀人员
[7] 2022届校级优秀毕业研究生指导老师
[8] 2022年研究生国家奖学金获得者指导老师
[9] 2023届校级本科生优秀毕业论文指导老师
[10] 2023届校级优秀毕业研究生指导老师
[11] 2023届北京市优秀毕业研究生指导老师
[12] 2023年北京市高校优秀本科毕业论文优秀指导老师
[13] 2023年研究生国家奖学金获得者指导老师
[14] 2023年中国金融发展研究院“校友杯”论文大赛优秀论文指导老师
[15] 2023年第九届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛三等奖指导老师
[16] 2023年中央财经大学第二十二届“挑战杯”学生课外学术论文竞赛三等奖指导老师
[17] 2023年第十三届全国大学生电子商务“创新、创意及创业”挑战赛一等奖指导老师
[18] 2023年第二届“财经中国”学术峰会青年论坛一等奖指导老师
[19] 2023-2024年大学生创新创业训练计划项目指导老师(优秀,北京市级)
[20] 2024届校级优秀毕业研究生指导老师
[21] 2024年校级优秀研究生学位论文指导老师
[22] 2024年中国金融发展研究院“校友杯”论文大赛优秀论文指导老师
Last updated on December 9,2024