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信息来源: 发布日期:2012-10-26




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Email: guofengkevin@cufe.edu.cn

Office:学术会堂 809

    Feng Guo, Ph.D., CFA, FRM, is a full-time associate professor in economics and finance at Central University of Finance and Economics. He obtained his doctoral degree from The Ohio State University. His primary research interests focus on fixed income investment, Austrian business cycle theories, and international capital flows. He has published a series of research papers in leading academic journals, such as Journal of Macroeconomics and Review of Development Economics. Prior to his academic career, he served in China Development Bank as an institutional client manager.

Professional Designation

  [1] Charted Financial Analyst (CFA)

  [2] Financial Risk Manager (FRM)

Current Appointment

 Associate Professor,  Central University of Finance and Economics


 Ph.D., The Ohio State University. Major: Economics.

  M.A., The Ohio State University. Major: Economics.

  Master of Economics, Xiamen University. Major: Economics.

  Bachelor of Economics, Chongqing University. Major: Finance.

Field of Research

 Fixed Income,  Macroeconomics, International Finance, Firm Innovation

(Selected) Publications

[1]“Heterogeneous Capital and Misintermediation”, with J.H. McCulloch, 2017. Journal of Macroeconomics, 53: 16-41. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmacro.2017.05.001.

[2]“Estimating Term Structure of the U.S. Treasury Securities: An Interpolation Approach”, 2019. Review of Financial Economics, 37: 297-321. DOI: 10.1002/rfe.1039.

[3]“The Sudden Stop of Debt-Led Capital Inflow, Credit Crunch, and Exchange Rate Regimes Flexibility”, with J. Li and M. Li, 2020. Review of Development Economics (forthcoming). DOI: 10.1111/rode.12738.

 [4]“Estimating Yield Curves of China Interbank Treasury Security Market: An Interpolation Approach” (in Chinese), with J. Ni, 2020. Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics, 2020-04: 75-90. DOI: 10.19681/j.cnki.jcufe.2020.04.006

[5]“Taiwan Stock Market: the Weakening and Its Cause” (in Chinese), with S. Dai, 2006. Taiwan Research, 79: 44-48.

[6]“An Empirical Study on the Premium Rate of First-day Traded Price of Convertible Bond” (in Chinese), with G. Cao, 2005. Journal of Chongqing University (Natural Science Edition), 28: 138-141. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-582X.2005.08.036

Conference Presentations

[1] 37th Eastern Economic Association Annual Conference, New York, NY, 02/2011;

[2] 17th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, San Francisco, CA, 06/2011;

[3] 2012 AEA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 01/2012;

[4] 25th Finance Forum, Barcelona, Spain, 07/2017;

[5] 24th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, Milan, Italy, 06/2018;

Professional Experience

[1]Anonymous ad hoc referee for Journal of Money, Credit & Banking, Emerging Markets Finance &Trade, and China Finance Review International

[2] NAFMII Market Expert and Training Program Instructor (ad hoc)

[3] Principal Contact to CFA Institute University Affiliation Program at Central University of Finance and Economics

[4] Graduate Teaching Associate (GTA), The Ohio State University

[5]Institutional Client Manager, China Development Bank Yunnan Branch


 [1] Training courses: Financial Risk Management, Fixed Income, Asset Pricing, Chinese Inter-bank market.

 [2] Graduate courses: Advanced Investment, Advanced Macroeconomics,Fixed Income Analysis, Bond Investment & Credit Risks

 [3] Undergraduate courses: Fixed Income Analysis, Principles of Economics (Micro & Macro), Money and Banking


 Updated on Jan. 27,2021


